Mentoring Matches

Mentees choose

Mentees greatly value this opportunity to match themselves with the industry leaders they want to meet; the experienced individuals mentees believe will offer insights and guidance highly relevant to their career development.

Senior and senior-intermediate industry professionals generously contribute their time and share their knowledge while participating as mentors.

Eligible members of the association are invited to sign up, within a designated registration period announced by the association, to participate as mentees in the program.

Mentors provide portrait photos and biographies for posting in the Mentor Gallery on an organization’s program homepage. This allows participating mentees to familiarize themselves with the individuals with whom they will select mentorship sessions. Please read the page HOW MENTEES & MENTORS CONNECT to understand the mentorship session-booking process.

The Mentorship Sessions

Mentors specify reserved meeting dates for mentoring sessions, and the dates are displayed in the mentors’ profiles within the Mentor Gallery on the association's program homepage. The meeting dates might fall within a period of up to several months – this timeframe is designated by the program administrator during the planning of the association's mentorship program.

When the session-booking process is activated and mentees begin to connect with their mentors, both parties agree to meet at times and locations that are mutually convenient. Typically, a mentorship session is 60 minutes in length.

The number of mentorship sessions a mentee will have with mentors will be determined based on the number of mentees who accept the invitation to participate in the program. The intent is to provide two or more mentorship sessions.

Tips for a great mentorship experience

The number one suggestion given by both mentors and mentees who have experienced this mentorship model is to be “fully present.” Sharing requires excellent listening skills and one’s full attention. Both parties benefit by putting aside daily pressures during a mentoring session so they can truly connect and allow a relationship to develop. Download this document to read more tips from mentees and mentors.

Have a Great Mentorship Experience